Dec 7, 2006

Key U

Ulagh Khan: He was the general of Sultan Ghaiyas-ud-din. In 1323, he defeated Prataparudra, the Kakatiya ruler of Warangal.

Ulemas: were Muslim clergy.

Ulgulan Rebellion: is associated with Santhals.

Upanishads: are works embodying the mystical doctrines of ancient Hindu philosophy. The major Upanishads deal with some of the great problems like the nature of God and the soul, of man and the world, and the relation between them; the nature and purpose of existence; the ultimate reality and the attainment of salvation by man.
The fundamental doctrine of the Upanishads is the identity of the individual soul with the Universal soul.
The Upanishads are not the Vedic text.
Upanishads were translated into Persian on the instance of Dara Shikoh