Key T
Tabo Monastery: celebrated 1000 years of existence in 1996. It is also known as Ajanta of the Himalayas.
Tagara: was an important trade centre of ancient India on the trade route connecting Kalyana and Vengi.
Tahqiq-i-Hind: was written by Alberuni. Also refer Alberuni.
Taimur: invaded India in 1398.
Taj Mahal: is marble mausoleum built at Agra at the river Yamuna by Shah Jehan. Its architectural features resemble Humayun's Tomb at Delhi.
Takshila (Taxila): is the ancient oldest Vihar in India. It was a great centre of trade and commerce in the Gupta period.
Talikota, Battle: As per the latest researches, the so-called battle of Talikota, fought between the Deccan Muslim States and Vijayanagar, was actually fought between villages Rakkasi-Tangadi.
Tamil, Telegu and Malayalam: belong to the Dravidian linguistic family.
Tamralipti: now Tamluk, is the ancient name of an important port on the north-eastern coast of India during the Gupta period.
According to Jain sources, Tamralipti was the capital of the kingdom of Venga and was long known as a port.
Tanka: was a silver coin of the Sultanate period of India.
Tansen: of Gwalior specialised in Ragas music.
Tarain, Second Battle: In this battle, Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan.
Tarikh-i-Yamini: was written by Utbi.
Tarik-i-Firuzshahi: was written by Ziyaudin Berni.
Tashkent Pact: was signed between India and Pakistan on January 11, 1966.
Tattvabodhini Patrika: a journal of the Brahmo Samaj under the editorship of Akshay Kumar Datta, was started by Debendranath Tagore.
Temple architecture& Indian styles: Nagara, Dravida, and Vesara are the three main styles of Indian temple architecture.
Tharus: are tribal people of the Tarai region of the Himalayan foot-hills located in southern Nepal and in Uttar Pradesh. They are largely Indian in culture.
Therigatha: was not a part of early Jaina literature.
Thirukkural: was written during the period of the later Pandyas.
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar: known as 'Lokmanya' and 'Father of the Indian Unrest' was a great political leader and profound religious scholar. He founded Home Rule League in 1916 and was the first Indian to demand freedom as his birthright. He was considered an extremist.
He was imprisoned for six years in 1908 and sent to Mandalay (Burma).
Timur: He invaded India in 1398 A.D. during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah.
Tinkathia: This system related to indigo planting in Champaran (Bihar). According to it, the Champaran tenant was bound by law to plant three kathas out of every twenty (which make one acre) of his land with indigo for his landlord.
Gandhij's Champaran struggle was against this system.
Tipu Sultan: Raja of Mysore. He had his capital in Seringapatnam. He died fighting the British in the 4th Mysore War in 1799. This was the real beginning of British territorial dominion in South India.
Todar Mal: was one of the Nau Rattans and Revenue Minister of Akbar. He helped Akbar in introducing Land Revenue Administration.
Tomaras: Refer Dhillika (Delhi).
Toramana: belonged to the ethnic horde of the Huns. The Huns under Toramana pushed their conquest deep into the interior as far as Eastern Malwa, but their imperial power was finally shattered in 533-34 A.D. by Yasodharman, an energetic and ambitious chief of Mandasor in Western Malwa.
Trade Union Congress: Indian Trade Union Congress was created in 1920 by N.M. Joshi.
Transfer of India's capital : The transfer of India's capital from Calcutta to Delhi took place during the regime of Lord Hardinge-II.
Treaty of Allahabad : was signed in 1765 during the reign of Shah Alam-II.
Treaty of Purandhar: establishing a general peace agreement between the English and Marathas was signed in 1776.
Tripitakas: are sacred books of the Buddhist.
Triratna: or 'three jewels'is associated with Jainism.
Tulsi Das: author of Ram Charit Manas,was the famous Hindi poet in the Mughal period. He lived during the reign of Akbar. He did not belong to the 'Nirgula School'.
Turushkadanda: was a tax collected by the Gahadavalas during the early medieval India.
Tuzik-i-Babri or Memoirs of Babar: was written in Turkish.
Tyabji, Badruddin: He was the first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress. He was elected in 1887 at the Madras session.