Dec 18, 2006

Quiz VII

Hey friends!! Am back with the answers to Last weeks Quiz.. And since SNAP is now over and XAT does not have the usual GK section, The occurance of the Quiz will be a weekly. Other updates will be posted post XAT. ( :P I have to give my best shot there too)

Answers can be mailed at

And now the answers to last weeks Quiz VI

01. 4
02. 2
04. 1
05. 2
06. 1
07. 1
08. 1
09. 3
10. 2
11. 3
12. 1
14. 2
15. 1
16. 2
17. 2
18. 2
19. 1
20. 4
21. 3
22. 2
23. 3
24. 4
25. 2
26. 2
27. 3
28. 4
29. 3
30. 3
31. 3
32. 2
33. 3
34. 2
35. 1
36. 2
37. 2
38. 2
39. 4
40. 1
41. 2
42. 1
43. 2
44. 4
45. 1
46. 2
47. 1

1. SPICMACY is an organization devoted to

1. Social work

2. Animal welfare

3. Popularization of classical arts in India

4. Promotion of cricket

2. Colour-blindness is most commonly the inability to distinguish between

1. Blue and red colours

2. Red and green colours

3. Black and white colours

4. Green and blue colours

3. A patient suffering from scurvy might be advised, apart from medication, a diet rich in

1. Vitamin A

2. Vitamin D

3. Vitamin B

4. Vitamin C

4. At present, the maximum share of the Gross National Product of India comes from

1. Services

2. Agriculture

3. Manufacturing

4. None of these

5. Who is called the “wisest fool” in Indian history?

1. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

2. Mohd. Tughlaq

3. Feroz Tughlaq

4. Aurangzab

6. “Gora” and “Post-Office” are two famous novels/stories written by

1. Munshi Prem Chand

2. Rabindernath Tagore

3. Amrit Lal Nagar

4. Harivansh Rai Bachchan

7. “Psephology” is a discipline concerned with

1. The study of caves

2. The study of hair

3. The study of grasses

4. The study of election – trends

8. The name given to the latest element is

1. Actinium

2. Seaborgium

3. Ranchanum

4. Cesium

9. The Lok Sabha has _____ powers as compared to the Rajya Sabha in case of money bills

1. Constantly changing

2. Equal

3. Lesser

4. More

10. “The Dayton Accord” is related to the

1. Agreement regarding Israel-PLO problem

2. Jordan-Syria problem

3. Somalia problem

4. Bosnia – Herzegovina problem

11. You prefer wearing white- coloured clothing in the summer season. You do so because

1. White clothes absorb most of the radiations

2. White clothes reflect most of the radiations

3. It is pleasant to look at.

4. None of these

12. A Supreme Court Judge can be removed from his office

1. By the government at its will

2. By the President’s order

3. Only by means of an impeachment motion passed in both Houses of Parliament

4. By the Loksabha

13. “Sonalika” is a variety of

1. Rice

2. Wheat

3. Mango

4. Gram

14. “Unigauge” is a project meant to

1. Convert all the broadgauge lines to narrow ones.

2. Convert the narrow gauge lines to broadgauge lines.

3. Introduce a uniform system of reservation for railway tickets

4. Streamline the goods traffic on railways.

15. Identify the correct pair:

1. Jadugoda : Uranium

2. Jharia : Iron

3. Goa: Gold

4. Tripura : Mica

16. Which among the following was the real name of Munshi Prem Chand?

1. Raghupati Sahai

2. Sachidanad Hiranand

3. Dhanpat Rai

4. Hori Lal

17. The first Secretary-General of the U.N.O was

1. Dag Hammerskjold

2. Trygve Lie

3. Perez De Ceullar

4. Rex Roberts

18. Which of the following constitutional amendments is referred to as the “mini-constitution?

1. 44th

2. 48th

3. 42nd

4. 24th

19. Kazi Nazrul Islam was a fiercely patriotic poet who wrote in

1. Bengali

2. Urdu

3. Hindi

4. Tamil

20. If an automobile is of 1000cc capacity, it implies that

1. Its fuel-holding capacity is 10 times that

2. The volume of its cylinder equals that

3. The volume of exhaust gasses per minute equals that

4. None of these

21. “Triticale” is the first man-made variety of

1. Rice

2. Maize

3. Wheat

4. Sheep

22. The Central Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Institute, is in

1. Srinagar

2. Jammu

3. Lucknow

4. Nainital

23. The common lead pencils are made of

1. Lead

2. Charcoal

3. Asphalt

4. Graphite

24. The Santhals are predominantly found in

1. Bihar

2. M.P.

3. Orissa

4. North-East

25. “The Lady with the Lamp” is an epithet used to refer to

1. Joan of Arc

2. Florence Nightingale

3. Mother Teresa

4. Annie Besant

26. A person can move a court if his fundamental rights are infringed in all of the following cases except when

1. His right to speech is violated

2. His right to property is violated

3. His right to equal treatment before law is violated

4. His right to religious freedom is violated

27. Penguin is the only animal found in the

1. Antarctica

2. Arctic region

3. African Desert

4. None of these

28. Kerosene rises up a lamp-wick due to

1. Capillary action

2. Vacuum in the upper region

3. Lightness of kerosene

4. None of these

29. The ancient classic “Kamasutra” was authored by

1. Panini

2. Patanjli

3. Kalidasa

4. Vatsyayana

30. The 1-rupee note bears the signature of

1. Governor, RBI

2. Secretary-Finance Ministry

3. Minister of Finance

4. Deputy Governor, RBI

31. “Top Quark” is a

1. New chemical compound for cancer treatment

2. The latest fundamental particle discovered at the Fermi Accelerator Labs.

3. New movie based on the 2nd world war.

4. None of these

32. The Indian Institute of Forestry Management is at

1. Gauhati

2. Dehradun

3. Darjeeling

4. Bhopal

33. The required ratio of forest cover to total land area for maintaining ecological balance should be

1. 1:4

2. 1:3

3. 1:5

4. 1:2

34. “Roof of the World” is the title given to

1. The Rockies

2. The Andies

3. The Pamirs

4. None of these

35. Which freedom fighter died after 64 days of fasting in jail?

1. SN Sanyal

2. BC Vohra

3. Ras Behari Bose

4. Jatin Dass

36. “The Cripps Officer is like a post-dated cheque on a crashing bank”. Who said it?

1. JL Nehru

2. MK Gandhi

3. Vallabh Bhai Patel

4. Stafford Cripps

37. The mirage in a desert during hot summers is an example of

1. Interference

2. Diffraction

3. Reflection

4. Total Internal Reflection

38. Chepauk Stadium is a famous landmark in

1. Bombay

2. Bangalore

3. Madras

4. Kanpur

39. A lame-duck government is one

1. Which has lost the no-confidence motion in Loksabha and is asked to continue as a caretaker govt.

2. A government with an absolute majority

3. Which hurtles from one crisis to the other

4. None of these

40. Among the following, whose kingdom was annexed by the British on the basis of the doctrine of lapse?

1. Maharaja of Baroda

2. Rani of Jhansi

3. Nawab of Hyderabad

4. None of these

41. The Vajrayna is a sect of

1. Jainism

2. Buddhism

3. Hinduism

4. Parsis

42. Which of the following is known as the perfumery town of India?

1. Mandu

2. Indore

3. Khandwa

4. Kannauj

43. “Lavani” is a famous folk art form of

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. Gujarat

3. Maharashtra

4. Rajasthan

44. The least pure variety of coal is

1. Peat

2. Lignite

3. Anthracite

4. Bituminous