Dec 14, 2006

Quiz V

Hi All,

Well Errol has missed his hatrick today.. Good luck to the others... Lets see who comes up with all right answers this time.. It aint that difficult guys!!

Answers to yesterday's Quiz

01. 3
02. 2
03. 3
04. 3
05. 1
06. 2
07. 4
08. 4
09. 4
10. 3
11. 1
12. 1
13. 2
14. 4
15. 4
16. 2
17. 1
18. 2
19. 4
20. 2
21. 3
22. 3
23. 4
24. 1
25. 3
26. 1
27. 3
28. 1
29. 3
30. 1
31. 3
32. 2
33. 2
34. 3
35. 4
36. 3
37. 3
38. 2
39. 4
40. 3
41. 2
42. 1
43. 4
44. 3
45. 1
46. 3

And the Quiz for the day!!

1. Thorium is found in abundance along the coast of

1. Tamil Nadu

2. Kerala

3. Gujarat

4. Andhra Pradesh

2. The Red Cross Movement was started by

1. Pierre de Cubertine

2. Henri Dunant

3. Henry Ford

4. Baden Powell

3. Which of the following plays holds the record of maximum shows and still runs to packed houses even after 30 yrs of its start in London?

1. “The Mousetrap”

2. “You, He and I”

3. “The Rogue”

4. “Mary’s Teacher”

4. The apex body concerned with the approval, monitoring and appraisal of five – year plans in India is

1. The Planning Commission

2. National Development council

3. The Union Cabinet

4. The Parliament

5. The Minimum Support Prices for agricultural commodities are recommended by the

1. Ministry of Agriculture

2. Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices

3. Indian Council of Agricultural Research

4. Agricultural Prices Commission.

6. The first district in India to declare itself polio-free along with the fact of its zero rate of population growth is

1. Kottayam

2. Ernakulum

3. Patnamthita

4. Thiruvananthpuram

7. At present, according to demographic transition theory, India is passing through the _____ stage of population growth.

1. 2nd

2. Ist

3. 3rd

4. 4th

8. The best variety of coal from the viewpoint of carbon-content and its fuel-value is

1. Anthracite

2. Lignite

3. Peat

4. Bituminous

9. According to the 1991 census, which North-Eastern state is experiencing a great population boom and has recorded a massive 50% decennial population growth rate?

1. Assam

2. Nagaland

3. Manipur

4. Sikkim

10. “Yellow cake” is the name given to

1. Gold biscuits

2. Opium packets

3. Uranium

4. Sulphur

11. The highest milk producing state in India is

1. Gujarat

2. Punjab

3. Uttar Pradesh

4. Tamil Nadu

12. Which of these is the most important agricultural item in terms of revenues in India’s total farm output?

1. Rice

2. Wheat

3. Sugarcane

4. Milk

13. “Learning Without Burden” is the report of which of the following committees?

1. Yashpal Committee

2. Bhootlingam Committee

3. Ghosh Committee

4. Amrik Singh Committee

14. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

1. Shobha De : Literature

2. Golda Myer: Politics

3. Mahadevi Verma: Vocalist

4. Sucheta Kriplani: Politics

15. Which country is famous for pioneering the technique of drip-irrigation and achieving a record percentage of growth in agril? output using this method?

1. Sri Lanka

2. Israel

3. China

4. U.S.A.

16. “A single step for man, a gaint leap for mankind”. Who said this?

1. Neil Armstrong

2. Edvin Aldrin

3. Yuri Gagrin

4. Sq. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma

17. The All-India Harijan Sewak Sangh was established during the pre-independence era by

1. Dr. Ambedkar

2. Jyotiba Phule

3. Mahatma Gandhi

4. N.M. Lokhanday

18. If a bill is presented to the President for his assent, he

1. Can refuse to sign it.

2. Can return it for re-consideration

3. Cannot return it and has to sign it.

4. Can return it for re-consideration only once, and has to sign it ultimately after being re-presented for his assent.

19. The national song “ VANDE MATARAM” has been taken from the book

1. “Geetanjali”

2. “Anand Math”

3. “Neel Darpan”

4. “Kamayani”

20. The historic “complete independence” (Purna Swaraj) resolution of the Congress was passed at

1. Lahore

2. Karachi

3. Amritsar

4. Faizpur

21. Identify the incorrect pair:

1. Night-blandness: Vitamin A

2. Rickets: Vitamin D

3. Scurvy: Vitamin C

4. Anaemia: Calcium

22. A fully-grown adult has __________ bones in the body

1. 212

2. 209

3. 206

4. 208

23. “Inquilab Zindabad”. Who said this first of all?

1. Shahid Bhagat Singh

2. Dr. Mohd. Iqbal

3. Mohd. Ali Jinnah

4.Chandershekhar Azad

24. Art. 356 of the constitution deals with the

1. Declaration of a financial emergency

2. Declaration of a national emergency

3. Procedure for constitutional amendment

4. Imposition of President’s rule in a state

25. The 11th Finance Commission was chaired by

1. K.C. Pant

2. Raja Chelliah

3. Manmohan Singh

4. Prof. A.M. Khusro

26. The constitution of India describes India as a

1. Federation

2. Confederation

3. Union of States

4. Loose Federation

27. The colour of a star depends on its

1. distance from the sun

2. Radius

3. Density

4. Surface temperature

28. The Earth is a part of the _______ galaxy.

1. Ursa Major

2. Ursa Minor

3. Milky Way

4. Andromeda

29. As you solving these questions, the most active part of your brain is the

1. Cerebellum

2. Thalamus

3. Cerebrum

4. Broca’s area

30. The International Literacy Day is observed on

1. June 5

2. March 8

3. September 5

4. September 8

31. India receives most of its monsoon rainfall by means of the

1. South-West monsoons

2. North-West monsoons

3. South-North monsoons

4. North-East monsoons

32. The “Montreal Protocol” is related to

1. Environmental safeguards

2. Phasing out of CFC’s

3. Safety regulations for nuclear plants.

4. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

33. Humans have poor nighttime vision due to the presence of

1. rod cells in the retina

2. cone cells in the retina

3. Smaller number of rod cells. 4. None of above

34. The World Environment Day is observed on the

1. 6th June

2. 5th June

3. 1st Dec

4. 10th Dec.

35. The Allahabad Pillar inscription was got engraved by

1. Samudragupta

2. Chandragupta

3. Mahapadma Nanda

4. None of these

36. The term “Checkmate” is related to the game of

1. Chess

2. Bridge

3. Snooker

4. Golf

37. The tear-glands in the human body are known as

1. Sebaceous glands 2. Lachrymal glands

3. Cooper’s glands

4. Endocrine glands

38. “Gul-e-Naghma” is a famous poetic work by

1. Dr. Mohd. Iqbal

2. Mirza Ghalib

3. Kaifi Azmi

4. Firaq Gorakhpuri

39. The famed multi-culture complex “Bharat Bhavan" is located in

1. Indore

2. Bhopal

3. Jaipur

4. New Delhi

40. Which of the following Vedas in concerned with the musical rendition of hymns?

1. Atharva Veda

2. Yajur Veda

3. Sam Veda

4. Rig Veda

41. The most common cause of mustard oil contamination is

1. Argemone mexicana

2. Felis domesticus

3. Homo Sapiens

4. Ethyl Mercaptate

42. The funny bone in the body is the

1. Femur

2. Ulna

3. Radius

4. Stapes

43. Borobudur is famous for

1. Ancient temples

2. Its architectural peculiarities

3. Its merchant activities

4. Its strategic location

44. The TV transmission process makes use of

1. Infra-red waves

2. FM waves

3. Audio-visual waves

4. None of these

45. The Olympics were re-started in the year

1. 1846

2. 796

3. 1900

4. None of these

46. Good Friday is observed to commemorate the

1. The birth of Christ

2. Crucifixion of Christ

3. Resurrection of Christ

4. Birth of St. Peter